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  • You Are Not Alone Murals Spark Hope & Connection

You Are Not Alone Murals Spark Hope & Connection

Public Art Project Aims To Inspire

You Are Not Alone Murals is a public art project that aims to inspire artists to create work in their communities, sparking hope, connection, and conversations about mental health.

Founded by long-time friends Annica Lydenberg and Samantha Schutz, the project seeks to use public art to reach people who need to hear this message and reduce stigma and shame around discussing mental health challenges.

The artwork reminds viewers that no matter what challenges each of us is dealing with, our emotions are universal, and we are fundamentally connected through our humanity.

The project uses consistency and repetition to create impact, making the message more relatable with each viewing. The more often someone comes in contact with the message, the greater the impact and the more likely they will feel the message applies to them.

The project has expanded globally since its launch in May 2019, with murals painted by artists in various communities around the world.

The project's founders are in the process of securing non-profit status as a 501(c)(3), and their goal is to continue inspiring artists from around the world to join the project as they create work in their communities.

The You Are Not Alone Murals project is a powerful reminder that we are never alone in our struggles and that vulnerability can lead to connection and comfort.

Get more information on their FB Page.