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  • Solutions Journalism 101: A Comprehensive Introduction to a New Approach to Reporting

Solutions Journalism 101: A Comprehensive Introduction to a New Approach to Reporting

Solutions Journalism is a new approach to reporting news that focuses on solutions rather than problems.

This type of journalism aims to provide a more balanced view of the world by highlighting the positive actions that people are taking to solve problems.

Solutions Journalism is not about ignoring the problems that exist in the world but rather about providing a more complete picture of the world we live in.

Journalism has always been about reporting the news, but in recent years, the focus has shifted to a more negative approach. The news is often filled with stories about crime, disasters, and other negative events. While it’s important to report on these issues, it’s also important to provide a more balanced view of the world. This is where Solutions Journalism comes in. By highlighting the positive actions that people are taking to solve problems, Solutions Journalism provides a more complete picture of the world we live in.

Solutions Journalism is not just about reporting on the good news; it’s about providing a more accurate and complete view of the world. It’s about showing that there are people out there who are working to make a difference and that their efforts are making a real impact. By focusing on solutions, Solutions Journalism can inspire people to take action and make a difference in their own communities.

What is Solutions Journalism?


Solutions journalism is a type of journalism that focuses on solutions to problems rather than just reporting on the problems themselves. It is a way of reporting that goes beyond the traditional “if it bleeds, it leads” mentality of journalism, and instead seeks to highlight positive and effective responses to issues facing society.

Solutions journalism seeks to provide a more complete picture of a given issue by not only reporting on the problems but also on the potential solutions that are being implemented to address those problems. It aims to inspire action and encourage readers to become more involved in creating positive change in their communities.


The theory behind solutions journalism is that traditional journalism tends to focus on problems and negative news, which can lead to a sense of hopelessness and despair among readers. This can lead to disengagement and a lack of action to address the problems being reported on.

Solutions journalism, on the other hand, seeks to provide a more balanced view of the world by highlighting positive responses to problems. This can inspire readers to become more engaged and take action to address the problems they see in their communities.

Solutions journalism is not about ignoring problems or sugarcoating the news. It is about providing a more complete picture of the world and encouraging readers to become part of the solution. It is about reporting on the news in a way that inspires action and creates positive change.

In summary, solutions journalism is a type of journalism that focuses on solutions to problems rather than just reporting on the problems themselves. It seeks to inspire action and encourage readers to become more involved in creating positive change in their communities. The theory behind solutions journalism is that it provides a more balanced view of the world and inspires readers to become part of the solution.

Why is Solutions Journalism Important?

Solutions journalism is an approach to reporting that goes beyond the traditional “if it bleeds, it leads” mentality of journalism. It aims to not only highlight problems but also to explore potential solutions and their impact. This approach is important for several reasons, including its impact on readers and engagement with news.


Solutions journalism has the potential to create a positive impact on society by providing readers with a more complete picture of the issues at hand. By highlighting potential solutions and their impact, solutions journalism can inspire readers to take action and make a difference in their communities. This approach can also help to combat feelings of hopelessness and apathy that can arise from traditional news coverage that only focuses on problems.


Solutions journalism can also increase engagement with news by providing readers with a more compelling and inspiring narrative. By highlighting potential solutions and their impact, solutions journalism can create a sense of optimism and hope that is often lacking in traditional news coverage. This approach can also help to build trust between journalists and their audience by demonstrating a commitment to providing a more complete picture of the issues at hand.

In summary, solutions journalism is important because it can create a positive impact on society by inspiring readers to take action and make a difference, and it can increase engagement with news by providing a more compelling and inspiring narrative. By adopting a solutions-focused approach, journalists can help to create a more informed and engaged society that is better equipped to tackle the challenges of our time.

How to Practice Solutions Journalism?

Solutions journalism is a type of reporting that focuses on solutions to social problems rather than just highlighting the problems themselves. It aims to provide readers with information about potential solutions to issues they care about, and to encourage them to take action to make a difference. Here are some key criteria, methodology, and reporting skills to keep in mind when practicing solutions journalism.


To practice solutions journalism effectively, it is important to keep the following criteria in mind:

  • Relevance: The solution should be relevant to the issue being addressed.

  • Effectiveness: The solution should have a proven track record of success.

  • Innovative: The solution should be new or innovative, or at least not widely known.

  • Replicable: The solution should be replicable in other contexts.

  • Sustainable: The solution should be sustainable over the long-term.


To practice solutions journalism, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the problem: Start by identifying a social problem that you want to address.

  2. Research potential solutions: Research potential solutions to the problem, looking for those that meet the criteria outlined above.

  3. Evaluate the solutions: Evaluate the potential solutions to determine which ones are most effective, innovative, replicable, and sustainable.

  4. Report on the solutions: Report on the solutions you’ve identified, including the details of how they work and how they’ve been successful in other contexts.

  5. Include critical analysis: Include critical analysis of the solutions, including any potential drawbacks or criticisms.

Reporting Skills

To practice solutions journalism, you need to have strong reporting skills, including:

  • Research: The ability to conduct thorough research to identify potential solutions.

  • Interviewing: The ability to conduct effective interviews with experts and stakeholders to learn more about potential solutions.

  • Critical analysis: The ability to critically analyze potential solutions to determine their strengths and weaknesses.

  • Storytelling: The ability to tell compelling stories that engage readers and encourage them to take action.

By following these criteria, methodology, and reporting skills, you can practice solutions journalism effectively and help readers learn about potential solutions to social problems.

Examples of Solutions Journalism

Solutions journalism is a new approach to journalism that focuses on solutions to problems rather than just reporting on the problems themselves. Here are some examples of solutions journalism in action.

Case Studies

The Seattle Times

The Seattle Times is a newspaper that has been using solutions journalism to report on the homelessness crisis in the city. Instead of just reporting on the problem of homelessness, the newspaper has been focusing on solutions that are working in other cities. For example, they reported on how a program in Utah has been successful in reducing homelessness by providing permanent housing to people who are homeless. The newspaper also reported on how a program in Finland has been successful in reducing homelessness by providing people with housing and support services.

The New York Times

The New York Times has been using solutions journalism to report on the opioid epidemic in the United States. Instead of just reporting on the problem of opioid addiction, the newspaper has been focusing on solutions that are working in other countries. For example, they reported on how Portugal has been successful in reducing opioid addiction by decriminalizing drugs and providing people with treatment instead of punishment. The newspaper also reported on how Switzerland has been successful in reducing opioid addiction by providing people with heroin-assisted treatment.


While solutions journalism has many benefits, it also has some limitations. One limitation is that it can be difficult to find solutions to some problems. For example, there may not be a clear solution to the problem of climate change. Another limitation is that solutions journalism can be more time-consuming than traditional journalism. It may take more time to research and report on solutions than it does to report on problems. Finally, solutions journalism can sometimes be criticized for being too optimistic or not critical enough. It is important to remember that solutions journalism is not about ignoring problems, but about finding solutions to them.

In conclusion, solutions journalism is a new approach to journalism that focuses on solutions to problems rather than just reporting on the problems themselves. While it has many benefits, it also has some limitations. By using solutions journalism, journalists can help to inspire change and make a positive impact on the world.

Solutions Journalism Resources

Solutions Journalism is a new approach to journalism that focuses on solutions to problems rather than just reporting on them. It is gaining popularity among journalists, media organizations, and readers alike. If you are interested in learning more about Solutions Journalism, there are several resources available to you.

Web Resources

The Solutions Journalism Network (SJN) is the leading organization promoting and supporting Solutions Journalism. Their website, solutionsjournalism.org, is a great resource for journalists and readers alike. It includes articles, case studies, and resources on how to practice and implement Solutions Journalism. SJN also offers online courses and webinars on Solutions Journalism.

Another great resource is the Constructive Journalism Project. Their website, constructivejournalism.org, provides resources and training for journalists on how to report on solutions to problems. They also offer a free online course on Constructive Journalism.

Learning Lab

SJN’s Learning Lab is an online platform that provides journalists with a comprehensive introduction to Solutions Journalism. The course covers the basics of Solutions Journalism, including what it is, why it matters, and how to practice it. It also includes case studies, resources, and tools for implementing Solutions Journalism in your reporting. The Learning Lab is a great resource for journalists who want to learn more about Solutions Journalism.

Solutions Story Tracker

The Solutions Story Tracker is a database of Solutions Journalism stories from around the world. It is a collaboration between SJN and the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication. The database includes stories on a wide range of topics, from education to health care to the environment. It is a great resource for journalists looking for examples of Solutions Journalism in action.

In conclusion, there are several resources available for journalists and readers interested in learning more about Solutions Journalism. These resources include web resources, learning labs, and solutions story trackers. By utilizing these resources, journalists can learn how to report on solutions to problems and provide readers with a more constructive and hopeful view of the world.

Solutions Journalism in Different Contexts

Solutions journalism (SoJo) can be applied in various contexts to report on solutions to problems. In different regions of the world, SoJo can be used to report on different issues. In this section, we will explore how SoJo can be applied in different contexts, including Asia and Africa, Health and Education, Politics and Corruption, Violence and Crime.

Asia and Africa

In Asia and Africa, SoJo can be used to report on solutions to issues related to poverty, corruption, and human rights. For example, SoJo can be used to report on how communities are coming together to solve issues related to poverty. In Africa, SoJo can be used to report on how local communities are working to address issues related to health, education, and infrastructure.

Health and Education

SoJo can be used to report on solutions to issues related to health and education. For example, SoJo can be used to report on how communities are working to improve access to healthcare or how schools are implementing innovative teaching methods to improve student performance. SoJo can also be used to report on how communities are addressing mental health issues.

Politics and Corruption

SoJo can be used to report on solutions to issues related to politics and corruption. For example, SoJo can be used to report on how communities are working to address issues related to corruption in government or how citizens are working to increase transparency in government. SoJo can also be used to report on how communities are working to increase civic engagement.

Violence and Crime

SoJo can be used to report on solutions to issues related to violence and crime. For example, SoJo can be used to report on how communities are working to address issues related to gang violence or how police departments are working to improve community relations. SoJo can also be used to report on how communities are addressing issues related to domestic violence.

In conclusion, SoJo can be applied in various contexts to report on solutions to problems. By focusing on solutions, SoJo can help to inspire positive change and encourage communities to come together to address issues.

Constructive Journalism and Solutions Approach

Constructive journalism is a relatively new approach to news reporting that focuses on solutions rather than problems. It aims to provide a more balanced perspective by highlighting positive developments, potential solutions, and constructive actions. Solutions journalism is an integral part of constructive journalism, and it involves reporting on how people are responding to problems and challenges in their communities.

Advocacy and Partnership

One of the key features of constructive journalism is its emphasis on advocacy and partnership. This approach involves working closely with community members, organizations, and experts to identify solutions and promote positive change. By partnering with these groups, journalists can provide more in-depth and accurate reporting that reflects the needs and perspectives of the community.

Equitable Reporting

Constructive journalism also emphasizes equitable reporting, which means providing fair and accurate coverage that reflects the diversity of the community. This approach involves avoiding stereotypes and biases and ensuring that all voices are heard. By providing more balanced and inclusive coverage, journalists can help build trust and engagement with their audiences.

Good News and Negativity Bias

Another key feature of constructive journalism is its focus on good news. This approach recognizes that people are more likely to engage with positive stories than negative ones. However, it also acknowledges the importance of reporting on problems and challenges. To address this, constructive journalism aims to balance positive and negative coverage and avoid the negativity bias that can be prevalent in traditional news reporting.

In summary, constructive journalism and solutions approach involve advocating for positive change, working in partnership with community members and organizations, providing equitable and inclusive reporting, and balancing positive and negative coverage. These approaches can help build trust and engagement with audiences and promote more balanced and accurate news reporting.

The Future of Solutions Journalism

As the world of journalism evolves, it is essential to look towards the future of solutions journalism. The following sub-sections explore some of the potential directions that solutions journalism may take in the coming years.

Innovation and Impact

One of the most significant potential areas for innovation in solutions journalism is the use of new technologies. With the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, there is an opportunity to use these tools to identify and analyze solutions to complex problems. Additionally, social media platforms and other digital tools can be used to amplify the impact of solutions journalism by reaching new audiences and promoting engagement.

Another area of innovation is the potential for solutions journalism to have a greater impact on society. By focusing on solutions rather than just problems, solutions journalism can inspire action and change. This impact can be further amplified by collaborations between newsrooms, non-profits, and other organizations that are working towards solutions to the same problems.

Registering and Pillars

To ensure that solutions journalism remains a vital part of the journalistic landscape, it is essential to establish clear standards and guidelines. This can include registering solutions journalism stories with a central database to track impact and success. Additionally, solutions journalism should be built on a solid foundation of journalistic pillars such as accuracy, fairness, and impartiality.

Sustainable Newsrooms

Finally, as newsrooms face increasing financial pressures, it is essential to ensure that solutions journalism remains financially sustainable. This can be achieved through a variety of approaches, including partnerships with non-profits and foundations, reader donations, and innovative revenue models.

In conclusion, the future of solutions journalism is bright, with opportunities for innovation, impact, and sustainability. By staying true to the core principles of solutions journalism and embracing new technologies and collaborations, solutions journalism can continue to inspire change and make a meaningful impact on society.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is solutions journalism?

Solutions journalism is a type of reporting that focuses on constructive and effective responses to social problems. It is an approach that aims to provide a more balanced view of the world, by highlighting not only the problems but also the solutions that are being implemented to address them.

What are some examples of solutions journalism?

Examples of solutions journalism include stories that showcase successful programs or initiatives that are addressing social problems, such as poverty, education, health, and the environment. These stories often focus on the people and organizations behind these initiatives, and the impact they are having on their communities.

What are the pillars of solutions journalism?

The pillars of solutions journalism include rigorous reporting, evidence-based solutions, engaging storytelling, and critical reflection. These pillars help ensure that solutions journalism is grounded in facts and data, and that it provides a nuanced and compelling view of the world.

How does solutions journalism differ from traditional journalism?

Traditional journalism often focuses on negative news, and can sometimes leave readers feeling hopeless or overwhelmed. Solutions journalism, on the other hand, provides a more balanced view of the world, by highlighting effective responses to social problems. It aims to inspire readers to take action, and to empower them with the knowledge and tools they need to make a difference.

What is the Solutions Journalism Network?

The Solutions Journalism Network is a non-profit organization that works to promote and support solutions journalism. It provides resources and training for journalists, and helps connect them with each other and with audiences who are interested in solutions-focused reporting.

What is the student media challenge for solutions journalism?

The student media challenge for solutions journalism is a program that encourages student journalists to report on solutions to social problems. It provides training and resources for student journalists, and helps connect them with mentors and other professionals in the field. The program aims to inspire the next generation of journalists to embrace solutions-focused reporting, and to help create a more informed and engaged citizenry.