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  • The Scimitar-Horned Oryx's Remarkable Comeback

The Scimitar-Horned Oryx's Remarkable Comeback

A Triumph in Conservation

In a remarkable conservation success story, the Scimitar-horned oryx, once declared extinct in the wild, has been downlisted to 'endangered' thanks to concerted global efforts.

This significant achievement, chronicled in a detailed ZSL report, marks a turning point in the species' fate.

This antelope species, known for its majestic horns, once roamed across North Africa. However, due to overhunting and habitat loss, it vanished from the wild by the late 20th century.

Recognizing the critical situation, the Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi spearheaded a pioneering conservation program. Their efforts culminated in the release of several oryx into Chad's Ouadi Rimé-Ouadi Achim Faunal Reserve.

The program's success story is not just in the numbers – over 500 calves born in the wild – but in demonstrating the power of international collaboration. Zoos and conservationists worldwide contributed, showcasing the role captive breeding programs can play in wildlife conservation.

This achievement serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path for other conservation initiatives. It highlights the importance of preserving biodiversity and the need for nature-based solutions in combating climate change.